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Transition to Agile

road-630415_640Over the past 15 years, ‘Agile’ development approaches as applied to the production of software has become very popular, particularly with numerous successful examples demonstrating the benefits. In reality, the principles have been applied in various guises all the way back to the late 1980s-1990s. The critical success factors are focus, agreed prioritisation, effective communication and alignment of all the people engaged in the definition of the products, their production and the receipt of the subsequent business benefits.

The trick is to apply the available tools and techniques appropriately within the prevailing organisational culture and that, more than anything else, is the ‘secret sauce’ for success. The tools and techniques alone will not achieve success. It is the insight, experience and nous to apply them in a way that works within the organisation.

Insubric has the experience, insight and track record to help your organisation achieve the transition to Agile successfully. A rapid assessment will be made to determine the gap between where your current development and delivery processes are now, and where they need to be to gain the benefits of an Agile approach. The transition service itself will help you define, sell and execute the journey to more effective and flexible IT delivery.

For more information, contact: peter.maddigan@insubric.com